Do you have a minute?
In my experience, potential solutions to a problem starts with the question, Do You Have A Minute? As an educational leader, this was the invitation for me to listen to the challenge being presented and begin the process of working together to help find solutions. As a school and district administrator for over 30 years, this question and the ensuing conversation took place every day as we pursued solutions to improve education.
Trusted Experience
Brad is an experienced superintendent and building principal with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. In his most recent experience as the superintendent of schools in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, the district was Accredited with Distinction by the Colorado Department of Education every year during his 11-year tenure with the district. He created a Department of Teaching and Learning in his first year and paved the way for hiring instructional coaches, literacy coaches, interventionists, and a district assessment coordinator. In addition, he developed programs for emerging bilinguals, including adding more translators to the staff, enhanced exceptional student services, secured partnerships and funding to build programs addressing mental health issues for students, launched in-school health services and clinics, and hired school-based nursing staff. Brad also participated with other community organizations to address staff housing and childcare issues as well as continuing to find solutions to improve compensation and working conditions for staff.
Professional Skills
Brad has strong skill sets in the following areas:
- Executive Coaching
- Strategic Planning
- Educational Leadership
- Facilities Master Planning
- Bond and Mill Levy Override Referendums
- Communications
- Staff Negotiations
- Educational Technology
- Instructional Design
- Curriculum Development
- Systems to Sustain Educational Excellence
My goal is to provide support to new and experienced educational leaders to help them grow professionally and be successful in their current and future career opportunities. Do You Have A Minute to contact Brad today to see how working together will help you and your organization improve. I look forward to speaking with you!
-Dr. Brad Meeks